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Your life is a developing story.

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Refuse the temptations to seek the easy way out of situations in your life. Don\’t be too quick to quit because of the persistence of your difficulty. It may be harsh or brutal, but it\’s only your opportunity to come to terms with the best things in life. Wisdom. Prayer. Mastery.

The purest virtues are developed in the dire heat of adversity and the stone cold of prosperity. Each season of your life has something to teach you. Be the student that you are. Don\’t sit there and lecture the variables of your life.

Watch my new video on emotional mastery here:

When you take that posture of learning, you will begin to see the hidden wisdom in your struggle: If you quit, your life can easily take on a downward spiral. The fact that you are still holding on gives you a reason to be alive, although it is definitely not the best reason. Yet a reason to be alive is better than no reason at all.

Listen to the audio on emotional mastery here:

You don\’t know what you have amassed in value for not walking away from your fear. If you found that you have been ambivalent about things, it\’s probably because you don\’t know the power of not backing down and not giving up. If you see the value in contending for something worthwhile, you will increase your chances of victory by at least intensifying your certainty about life.

Source: Funmy Kemmy\’s blog

But then I know, you may be wondering, \”So what\’s the way forward for me?\”

1. Stop being uncertain about who you are and why you are doing what you are doing. Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18. But you can\’t even have a vision when you have nothing to strive for or at the very least something to run from.
2. Out goes uncertainty, in comes clarity. Although this may not yet be the compelling vision of the life and destiny you were born for, you at least have a grip on things and can navigate towards a more acceptable life, no matter how downsized it seems. It may not be where you are born for, but it can be the starting point to a new life.

Source: Pinterest

3. Decide where you want to be, what you want to do and what you want to have. It takes fixed ideas about what you want in life to survey the landscape of destiny for a desirable way to live and outlive your possibilities. Every navigation system known to man works reliably well because the coordinates of a specific destination can be identified as fixed places and the only variables are unforeseen contingencies and setbacks that interfere with the movement to the chosen destination.

4. Prune those within your closest network. Your life is the way it is because some people in your life are not constructive contributors to your growth but destructive contributors to your mess. Now, sometimes you may mistake a difficult but helpful relationship for a friendly but destructive relationship. Prune those who appear to be friendly but seem to live off of your misery. The difficult but helpful ones are the riddles of your life. You will not amount to anything by running away from such.

5. Confront your fears. Don\’t settle for a compromise that makes you a permanent victim. Have the difficult conversations. Apply logic. Be compassionate. Don\’t read old meanings into new actions. Allow each action to speak for itself. Question your own assumptions frequently and see the wonder of unpretentious and caring UPR (unconditional positive regard).


You already know that life is not a bed of roses. The difficulties in your life today are your opportunities to build the character that can sustain the weight of your destiny. Never make a decision based on what is popular, it is the reason why the majority of people compromise easily. The majority always pull you down to their level of misery. Think. Ponder. Reflect. If it is your life, it is your decision that counts, not what people think.

Tell yourself the truth and listen to those who can empathize with you or your condition but are still courageous enough to tell you the truth. Those are true friends who will elevate you if you allow them. Hence, it is your responsibility to develop a fondness for truth or else even courage may turn the other way at the sight of your repulsion for truth.

Featured image: 1awesome blog

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