One thing that is common to us all is the general preference for pleasure over pain. You are constantly moving away from something and pressing towards something else. Certainly a sign of life and vitality, stretching out a whole continuum of variables. To be clear, by pain, I mean all the undesirable experiences of life and by pleasure, I mean all the desirable, legitimate experiences of life.
There are times when pain is necessary to court pleasure. Human behaviour is usually adapted to maximize pleasure. This is contingent on assessing the situation over time and determining the most favourable course of action. The three steps involved in maximizing pleasure are assessment, commitment and contentment.
Unless you interpret your pain in the context of the unused minutes, days, months and years ahead, you tend to resign yourself to fate and you find yourself unstoppably sinking into the abyss of self-neglect, lack of ambition and depression. This assessment forces you to stay within the boundaries of reason, although you will occasionally find yourself on the outskirts of irrationality. Self-assessment is one of the highest expressions of our humanity, if not the highest. The possibility of gain and the increase of pleasure depends on this.
Spend some time now assessing yourself and your situation. Start with these questions:
What is the situation?
What is my feeling about the situation?
What is my preferred situation?
To get started with my Healing & Emotion Activation Restorative Training (HEART), DM me or click for details.
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