By the grace of God, I will be teaching from the book of 2 Peter to unravel the provisions that we have in Christ Jesus when we get saved. There are many things we could immediately mention as provisions for our salvation. For instance, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, prayer, fellowship with the brethren and many more. These are definitely provisions we immediately have access to in Christ Jesus and we must explore them and grow in our use of them.
I believe the LORD wants to expose us to our ASSETS in Christ Jesus and the ACCESS that gives us the right to inherit these ASSETS. Now, let\’s begin our reading of 2 Peter.
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1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:
2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
2 Peter 1
REVELATION (John 3:3, Ephesians 1:17-19)

The first thing I am noting here is your identity in Christ. You must understand that your name is now written in the Book of Life and with the name of Peter we see the appropriate relationship between the past and the present. In fact, we can call this provision a revelation of who we are in Christ. Please take note of this: the first thing we are seeing as our provision in Christ is REVELATION.
\”(Past) Simon (Present) Peter…\” You must not lose sight of this reality. Simon represents the past of Simon Peter. It points to the old life. Peter points to the new life. Indeed, old things have passed away behold all things have become new. This is the plan for you and me. As much as \”Simon\” may want to rise again, you must remind him that \”Peter\” is the authorised life now. May you continue to see yourself as God sees you now. AMEN.

The next thing after revelation is to submit to the demands of that revelation. The eyes that are opened or enlightened to see the Kingdom of God is not the end itself. It is basically a precursor to obedience/submission to the will of God. The posture that expresses that is the first descriptor used by Peter for himself. He calls himself a servant.
The word \”servant\” is to show that he is now under the government of God, and no longer a free ranger as he used to be. And it is as he submits to the plans and purposes of God his life and pays the price of loyalty to Jesus and His ways that he becomes an apostle (a sent one). And it is your subscription to His government that qualifies you for your right placement in the kingdom. The placement of your assignment is contingent upon your acceptance and submission to the government of God. You are not useable, appointable and sendable by God if you refuse to serve His interest.
This is why it is important to be immersed in the Word of God and the Spirit of God so that these twin forces acting upon you can birth you as a formidable force to handle the annoyance of hell and harvest more followers for Jesus through your testimony. Spend time in the Word of God to the point of praying the issues into your spirit, so that your obedience will be birthed in the various issues of your life. If you don\’t, your obedience will be aborted. You will find yourself drawing back from the will of God even if you mean well. Immerse yourself so that you heart can be overpowered to submission, which will open the door to the plan of God for you.

What else have you received? \”…to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ\” You have received precious faith. Now, this is amazing. This is a faith that is produced by the righteousness of God and Jesus Christ therefore, it will also produce practical righteousness in your life. The value of this faith will not be rightly comprehended if you don\’t submit to the government of God. And because of the preciousness of this faith, you will not want to lose it.
This faith is not a faith, it is the faith. It is the totality of your Christian Life or your New Life. Since the faith is God\’s product, when it lands in you and acts sufficiently in you (by immersion and submission mentioned earlier), it will produce acts of righteousness. Hence, there can be no reason to be unrighteous on the premise of ignorance. That is the reason why you must be immersed in the ways of God so that you can walk in the Way of life (working out your salvation step by step).

Now, the loss of faith is forestalled as grace and peace are multiplied to you. This is a must for you and me. The way this supply of grace and peace comes is by the knowledge of God and Jesus our LORD. That means the knowledge of God must be my preoccupation. The drawing of God as my life through the various avenues of supply such as bible reading, studying, praying, corporate fellowship etc. is crucial for me to be filled and replenished with grace and peace so that the new life (which is your faith) can be kept alive and well.
Grace is divine help to be, do and have all that is necessary for life and godliness. Peace is the state of rest and contentment in Christ that the will of God is the best for you and the timing of God is right for you. These two are administrations in God\’s economy as you grow to know the LORD more and more. They are administered (measured out) to you as you know and become one with Him in all things. What a bounty of provisions we have in Christ Jesus. May you press on to know Him more and more and experience His provisions for you. AMEN.
Let us respond in prayer!