The Goodness of God

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Do you see how much God has got your back? How infinitely meticulous He is with His care for you? How many times have you been delayed and that was a covert deliverance from an impending danger? 

He has kept you from the plots of (evil) men and made you invincible to the spells of evildoers. All that, you may not be able to account for consciously!

You have a job, you are married, you have children, you are even a lifter of men. Even if there is one thing that makes you feel incomplete in your existential pursuits, you definitely have many things now, that will leave you forlorn (or despondent), if you were to lose anyone of them.

God has been good to you!

No one is so bankrupt of God\’s goodness, that cannot withdraw a single memory of divine mercy from the bank of history… no matter how far away s/he might be from God today.

He has shown us mercy in the past, but why are we so destitute of His help today? And even feel overwhelmingly puzzled with the ever so elusive future drawing nearer, by the day!

Even though we all have received the first installments of His goodness in many ways, it does not become a permanent experience, until we have responded positively to the great love that God has displayed towards us. Loving Him back will bring you to a personal knowledge of Him and you will begin to \”fear\” Him (actually it means reference – fear mixed with love), worship Him, lean on Him and trust Him.


Repsond to Him


When you respond back with your love to God, your physiology will begin to experience a shift. Because your spirit man will begin to show signs of (new) life, and that may signal the beginning of a permanent experience for you. And you are now honoring the law of your being: spirit comes before soul and soul comes before body.

There is beauty in the symmetry of expressions that will begin to flow out of you to your fellow men, and very soon to the nations! You have touched something that will bring the world to your feet, not to be served, but to serve them with the specific \”variety\” of God\’s goodness that your life (and purpose) represents.

Why not now?

Now, don\’t despise \”…the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering…\” since \”…the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?\” (Romans 2:4) The purpose of past experiences of God\’s goodness to you, even when you didn\’t know Him, is to lead you to make a U turn to God.

You will agree with me that God has already taken the initiative of pursuit over everyone of us alive, and it is now our turn to simply accept the waiting invitation to a new life, full of God\’s goodness, safety and defense against satanic assaults and accusations.

Picture credit: miraclebook, youversion, beckyfarinacain

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