The contention between eternity and time

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With sovereignty and responsibility, we see the activity of the parties involved in the wide spectrum of salvation from the side of provision to the side of appropriation. Just to state it briefly here, man has nothing to contribute to the work of salvation; however the acceptance and outworkings of salvation is within the purview of man. (Ephesians 2:8-9, Philippians 2:12-13).

Time is the facility granted unto man to partake of the great salvation we have been given and to participate in the grace of God that sees the salvation through from initialization to completion. So, as you might have noted, this is on man\’s side of things. Eternity, on the other hand, to say the least, is the framework from which God operates. Actually, it is a state that lacks proper definition because it is not as if God depends on it; rather, it depends and proceeds from God.

Now, the subject at hand (establishing the counsel of God concerning salvation and eternal security) has expression both in eternity and time. First, you will note that all of God\’s works have been concluded from the foundation of the world (Hebrews 4:3). Don\’t be surprised about that because the nature and life of God is above contingencies. They are all contained (held in tension and cohesion) in the unsurpassed greatness of His power, presence and wisdom.

Now, man dwells in time and many times, his apprehension of divine possibilities is limited to the unfolding of time. Yet a thorough engagement of God\’s Word shows us that the proper place for man to begin his spiritual pilgrimage is neither redemption nor creation but predestination (the original intention of God – Ephesians 1:3-4). We will touch on this later in our discussion.

There is a huge demand on you to be in alignment with God\’s Original Intention for you. It is in Christ that we can have eternity and time aligning to establish the purpose of God, while silencing several adversaries working tirelessly to derail us. The connecting rod between eternity and time is God\’s Will. The implication of that is to offer up your will to the LORD as a living sacrifice such that God\’s Will progressively becomes your will; and this resolves the contention between eternity and time in your own life.

\”Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall:\” 2 Peter 1:10

I will speak more about this when I deal with the matter of predestination. But suffice it to say that \”calling and election\” speaks of a divine predetermination about your life, already concluded before time began and you now have the responsibility to diligently make it sure. That is, it is your responsibility to commit to the manifestation of what God predetermined concerning you. If you diligently do so, the Word of God says, \”…ye shall never fail.\”

That is huge. Will you agree with God by making your calling and election sure? God has done His part before the foundation of the world (before time began); it is now time for you to do your part by believing and \”…work(ing) out your own salvation with fear and trembling for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. (Philippians 2:12-13)

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