System over goals

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In the last few days I began to look at three practical things you can do to begin your journey to life mastery:

Experience Management.

Decision Reengineering.

System over goals.

Experience is only valuable when knowledge is updated through the refinery of application and study. To move in the direction of mastery, even traditions must pass the test of relevance. This is where Decision Reengineering comes into play. Most people will die defending the traditions that are sabotaging their growth. Therefore, the decision that matters is one that changes the basic idea/paradigm that controls what is possible and what is not in your life.

Now, system over goals. Goals are very important in life. Man is naturally goal-oriented. However, it has been proven that written goals have a greater likelihood to be pursued and achieved. Yet, without a reliable system of achievements, goals can feel like running against the current of your life.

Join me for Life Mastery Workshop in July 2021 to apply this transformational methodology. Register for the pre-workshop (May 29) here:

A system is, therefore, a way to override the lethargy of your current experience, by using an existing component of your life to jumpstart you towards the direction of your goals. This linking of new goals to existing routines in your life is what New York Times Best-selling Author James Clear calls habit stacking and BJ Fogg, Behaviour scientist at Stanford, calls anchoring.

The point to be made here is that you must be clear about the framework within which a goal works, without which the goal can be achieved. This follows easily from Decision Reengineering, as it lays the foundation for thinking holistically concerning your goals in life. A system allows you to use something that currently works in your life to anchor, admit and assimilate your new desired behaviour/outcome into the framework of your growing experience.

#mastery #goals #system #habits #belief

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