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Self-execution is about living in a state of organic liveliness. It is your life flowing with consistency in character and competence to deliver its contribution to your generation.

The three steps we have identified towards life mastery are identification, construction and execution. Let\’s look at the pathway to expressing or executing the constructed self. The pathway of execution is for the smooth expression of your personality in the various facets of daily living. A functional self that has an inside-out flow of possibilities is a life of profound joy and a deep sense of meaning.

The DESIRE matrix is an acronym that shows the path of execution in functional selfhood. This ascending trajectory shows the inside-out reality of executing the constructed self.

  • Entrepreneurial (brand, value, product or service etc)
  • Recreational (health, wellness, rest, play etc)
  • Intellectual (profession or career, potential or abilities, \”applicable\” skills to solve problems)
  • Social (friendship, relationship, partnership, mentorship, discipleship)
  • Emotional (what is going on inside you/ capacity to learn & respond rather than react / tenacity)
  • Devotional (fellowship with God, convictions, values, foundations)
source: huffpost

Devotional (fellowship with God, convictions, values, foundations)

This is the foremost expression of the self that will grow to the fullness of its potential. Starting your day with God is the highest privilege you can ever have. There is a place for journaling, meditating (pondering not yoga) and early morning workouts. As good as these are, they must not replace your devotional life – your commitment to present yourself to God daily to let your thoughts and His thoughts mix together.

This is what produces worship and true gratitude. Not just the abstract gratitude that is celebrated today. This is knowing your God and being grateful to Him for His goodness and mercies towards you. Worship focuses on Him and gratitude focuses on what He has done for you. This fellowship is what solidifies your convictions and sets you on the foundation of unflinching values that no society can uproot. This is the bedrock of true manhood and womanhood.

source: new-me

Emotional (what is going on inside you/ capacity to learn & respond rather than react / tenacity)

The next thing is to mind your emotions. Your emotions are curated out of your spiritual condition. If you are in sin (I know you think that is for religious people who can\’t think for themselves), your emotions will always outsmart you and you are left to merely admit your unpleasant feelings but you do not have any real mastery over them. You master your emotions when you have met the conditions of a healthy spiritual life.

Your emotions have both scientific and spiritual origins. Yes, the Amygdala and Hippocampus are regions in your brain that trigger strong negative emotions due to their capacity to archive both positive and negative emotional memories. Spiritually speaking, your emotional state is based on your spiritual condition – this is the reason why your emotional reactions bypass the tollgate of logic to show deep displeasure.

source: Entrepreneurs\’ Organization

Social (friendship, relationship, partnership, mentorship, discipleship)

In the social realm, you have various relationships that give you a platform for self-expression. You give and you receive. This is the point where your friends and others who are close to you benefit from your solid character. The mastery of your emotions and the ministry of your devotional life impact them in ways they can hardly pay you. You also receive from some of them the same kind of impact that elevates your capacity to serve with integrity and godliness.

source: frontiers of freedom

Intellectual (profession or career, potential or abilities, \”applicable\” skills to solve problems)

In this realm of competence, you have an opportunity to put your knowledge and skills on display. This is the terrain of mastery. This is using what you have mastered to serve another at any given scale. A profession is a field of endeavour you master and widen the possibilities of the field through innovations because you are determined not to be a mere spectator in the \”game\” of your profession. Your career is therefore the progression of your profession from novice to mastery.

source: Omaha chamber

Recreational (health, wellness, rest, play)

Life is all about balance. Your health is very important. Without it, you cannot have a useful self-expression. It is your responsibility to organize your life in such a way that you can recuperate and get some needed recreation, family time and friendship.

source: dreamstime

Entrepreneurial (brand, value, product or service)

This is left as the last because it is the point where all you stand for is expressed in a product or service. Your devotion, emotions, social relationships, intellectual pursuits and recreation are all involved in the brand you become. There is a certain spirit that goes with each brand. If your product or service serves a really good purpose, your metaphysical reality follows it in a measure.

Jesus said He that is from above is above all. Those who have come to know Jesus must exude the power of eternal life through their products and services that elevate the human condition. You can only give what you have. Even if you are competent, if you lack character, a measure of that follows your work.

Hence, the flow from devotion to entrepreneurship shows the organic way to execute your life to be heavenly bound and earthly relevant. You have favour with God and man.

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meeting, brainstorming, business-594091.jpg

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