In working with people through coaching and counselling, I have noticed a trend of disillusionment that ranges from outright cognitive distortion to confusing episodes in their lives they find difficult to resolve and thereby left in some cases to fester into pathology or almost. Man is a three-dimensional being. You are spirit, soul and body. It is imperative to understand how these three dimensions work to be a fully functional human being.
Stages of Personality
You are three dimensional
These three dimensions are intertwined and are only considered three separate entities for analysis. The spirit expresses itself through the soul and the soul manifests itself through the body. Spirit is not of this world but is designed to interact with the spirit realm. The soul is an intermediary, a spokesman, and an interpreter.
Identity is equal to reality
While the spirit is in a realm that cannot be quickly accessed, the soul is equipped with a wide range of facilities to express what is brewing deep within your spirit. Your body is wholly physical. Physical situations affect it.
Suppose something goes wrong literally, like the sudden removal of fuel subsidy in Nigeria that hiked fuel prices to over 300%. Yet, for the body to fully react, it must employ the various organs of the soul such as emotions (to panic), intellect (to calculate), reason or will (to plan or not to plan), memory (to replay the good old days) etc.
By design, your spirit is closer to heaven while your body is closer to earth. Yet, if you are not saved, your spirit is not closer to heaven but hell. Your spirit deals with the unseen, and your body deals with the seen. Your spirit relates to ideas, and your body relates to experiences. Your soul, being an intermediary, is either the promoter of heaven in your spirit (until it becomes mainstream in your body) or the enforcer of \”hell\” in your body (until it becomes mainstream in your spirit).
Life Mastery is the intelligent harmony between your spirit, soul and body to the extent that your experiences are organized along the lines of optimal value.
To gain mastery, you approach your life along the lines of the original design – how God made you function. The flow of power, mastery, or leadership is from your spirit to your soul and then to your body. This is for creation and contribution. The flow of weakness or incompetence is the other way around – from your body to your soul to your spirit. This is for disintegration. Your first lesson on the journey of growth and actualization is DECISION DETERMINES DESTINY.
For most of us, SITUATION DETERMINES REALITY. This is the case when you allow the flow of death from what you can see around you (body) into your inner world of experience and meaning (soul) until it becomes the main idea of your life (spirit). Rather than running the FLOW OF DEATH, it is your duty to insist on operating the FLOW OF LIFE. If you want to live a life of meaning, contribution and joy, you will \”…consider and look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen; for the things that are visible are temporal (brief and fleeting), but the things that are invisible are deathless and everlasting.\” (2 Corinthians 4:18 AMP)
Guard your heart/mind: the factory of (your) experience
\”Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.\”
Proverbs 4:23 AMP
What will be your first decision? Decide that you will not manage your life by REACTION but by VISION. To be governed by REACTION is to be driven by what you see. A lifestyle like that will never elevate your life, let alone others. To live by VISION is to live by a DEEPER REALITY inside you. This is what leads to heaven on earth for you.
Make this your governing principle: I DON\’T LIVE BY WHAT IS HAPPENING OUTSIDE ME BUT BY WHAT IS HAPPENING INSIDE ME. The real world to master is inside. Once you activate this flow of life, you can develop a solid identity. Next time, we will look at SELF-CONSTRUCTION. Learn to transmute your original design to its material equivalent. In other words, learn to translate your vision into your personality (personal reality).
Featured Image: New York Times