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Our possibilities in the kingdom is determined by what God has done. There is no walk with God without the work of God done in us positionally and experientially. Positionally, we have a perfect installation of the divine nature that works by knowledge. Knowing, reckoning or accounting what God has done in you is what activates the divine nature in all its ramifications.

Regardless of how you feel or your struggles with living the Christian Life, the work of salvation comes with instant benefits, and if you are ignorant of them, you will live as if God is a liar. That\’s why Grace (the measure of Christ you have in your experience) and peace (your spiritual stability and firmness in the New Creation Position) is multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God (2 Peter 1:2).


The potential energy we have by redemption becomes kinetic energy as we begin to know God personally. This means everything God has said concerning us becomes our literal experience as we know Him.

So, Jude began to excavate for us the hidden treasures in the ground of our salvation. First, salvation imposes a situational awareness on you. You realize that to be saved is to be sanctified. That simply means to be set apart from the world and its ways unto God and His ways. Now, you must not miss this! THIS IS NOT WHAT YOU DO; IT IS WHAT GOD HAS DONE.

The first thing is to believe God that this is truly the case for you; it doesn\’t matter what others believe. Once you believe that you are sanctified (set apart by God to Himself), you have judged Him faithful like Sarah; and no matter how terrible you were in your past life, you will receive strength to conceive and deliver the child of promise, which in this case, is all that God has declared you to be positionally (Hebrews 11:11).

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