Own your crucible

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The journey of life is a series of events, circumstances and experiences converging into a crucible of possibilities. Merriam Webster defines crucible \”as a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development.\”

Oxford Language defines it as \”a situation of severe trial, or in which different elements interact, leading to the creation of something new.\” In metallurgy, the science of metals, crucible is a heat resistant container used to melt metals (dictionary dot com)

Crucible, therefore, is a metaphor for describing the forces interacting together in your life to create something new. Now, your crucible is forged out of your afflictions and challenges. It is the choices you make within those trying situations that determine the capacity and destiny of your crucible. Much of your early years are given to forging the crucible that will shape your life and design your experiences.


Unfortunately, most of us were not conscious of the critical formation that was going on in our early years. A crucible is formed nonetheless and it is now shaping our SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats). One of the best decisions you can ever make is to become conscious of your crucible and determine to reset it in favour of purposefulness and profitability, leading to mastery.

You are doing yourself a lot of good when you choose to own your crucible. That entails embracing your story however uninspiring it may be, for that is the beginning of mastery. Your story includes the good and the bad. Embrace it. That is the acknowledging that goes ahead of repenting. Then, identify the embedded lesson and rise to the occasion. This is \”forsaking your sins\” to become a servant of righteousness.

If you maintain this new reality, your crucible will take it as a signal to adjust its possibilities and configurations (the way it functions or malfunctions) into a more strategic, prosperous and pleasant one.

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