There are ways to know if you are on a mission or not. The sense of being on a mission communicates selflessness. It is something you do, not for the rewards, but for the reason that inspires your very life. A purposeful life is a missionary life. Every mission is a communication of your desire to live for something higher than you.
Your mission is what you do without coercion or inducement. When you capture your life\’s purpose through a visionary experience and you articulate this vision as the dream that you live for, the next BIG thing is a transition from the type of person you have grown accustomed to, to the type of person that can run with the vision. Hence, every true vision will transform the visionary first into a missionary – one who BECOMES the essence of the mission. The Word must become flesh.
Mission is the doing aspect of your vision. It is what you must do to fulfil the vision you have received. Doing must be a function of being or else whatever you are doing that is not a result of who you are will eventually be double-crossed by your true condition. A mission is always about change, growth, enhancement, innovation etc. A product with a hidden defect may succeed at first until the consumer registers their distaste and mark you for life.
If I put this in the context of marriage, you then realize the deflation that occurs when the honeymoon effect has worn off and the real you is out, then it will be clear if you were the desired spouse. Don\’t let the point be lost on you. BEING must always precede DOING. If you place a massive emphasis on your growth spiritually, emotionally, intellectually etc, you will be an asset to yourself and your spouse. You are not only on a mission to be the best team and achieve great feats together but you are a missionary with the mandate to keep growing from the inside out. This missionary does not ask others to change first before he or she can change; rather he or she seeks to grow, improve, and change, to find out how to make it easier for the other person to cooperate with the process.
Your mission is what you wake up to do every day. Whatever it is, make yourself the first recipient of it, before making it available to others. If it\’s a product, have you asked yourself if you would pay for it, if you were the customer. Likewise, if it\’s a service. If you are a preacher, do you do what you preach? If you are a marriage counsellor, is your marriage working? If you are a coach, are you empowered to make things happen or you are waiting for someone\’s validation? The point is, whatever you are on a mission to do, be the testimony …be the missionary. Be the portrait of the mission you have embarked upon. It might be easier to have \”customers\” if you are legit and your claims are near foolproof.
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