A love that makes you completely self-absorbed will eventually enslave you to depression. Since you have turned yourself into an idol to be worshipped, you become more and more closed to the kind of counsel and guidance that can rescue you from that impending hell.
If you desire to be balanced in life, find a vocation to pour your emotions into. Assigning yourself to a Life Task is a form of redemption. Even if it is not your true calling, you have the opportunity of an active mind to process yourself into \”it\”. \”It\” being your true calling.
Love, true love, is always expressed in service. Giving yourself to a task that solves problems, alleviates pain, constructs hope, and elevates livelihood is what it means to love. But then, how can you give what you don\’t have? Open your heart and let LOVE come in.
#love #lovequotes #loveyou