Look unto Me

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The problem of man is twofold. First, man became a sinner when he chose to disobey God in Genesis chapter 3. Second, man is presumptuous because he thinks he can remove the consequences of his sin without dealing with the sin. This twofold problem of man is universal and has no respect for religion, science, psychology etc. The proof of this is seen everywhere we turn to.

Eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil has given man an inverted sense of responsibility to do good for himself by minimizing evil and avoiding consequences.


Rather than turn to God who was able to save them completely, Adam and Eve made aprons by sewing figs together to cover-up their nakedness. They became masters at concealing their real need. Does that look like what you are doing? …always looking for figs of excuses to dismiss your sin and make it look normal! When God came to cloth them in coats of skins, it was to be a redemptive hint to remind them that He was their only hope but sadly, they didn\’t see it. So, they could not look unto Him to be saved.

They were under spiritual blindness so that they could not see the glorious light of that gospel that God was preaching to them by His actions (2 Corinthians 4:3-4, Genesis 3:5-7, 9-13, 21). I declare your eyes opened to see the glorious light of the gospel, to believe and to be saved. AMEN.


The text before us is inviting us to take inventory of things. I know it is very hard to admit your helplessness, but therein lies your salvation. You are only required to turn your eyes away from yourself and the systems you have trusted in that have failed you so that you can look to Jesus. He is that tree of Life you need to eat from to be delivered from the devil. You cannot look to Him and not be saved.

Are you still struggling under a secret sin or an addiction and you are there claiming that you know something? Can you not see that the tree of knowledge of good and evil does not give life? It only gives you information but no revelation of salvation that gives life. If you are ready to be helped, look unto him, turn to Jesus, call upon the only Saviour of mankind and without any delay, His life will swallow up the poison of death that is killing you.

9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

Romans 10:9-10

Now, go ahead and pray with me to enter into the blessedness of salvation:
Jesus, I turn away from my self and all that I have trusted…I look to You Who is able to save me completely without losing me again…I repent of my pride, presumption and the sins that have separated me from You…Please cleanse me with the blood of Jesus…I cling to the cross for my complete deliverance from sin and all its consequences…Today, I declare that Jesus is my LORD and because of Your irreversible resurrection, my salvation will never fail nor falter…Thank You, LORD, for Your Mercy. In Jesus\’ name, I pray. AMEN.

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