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Eventually we all arrive at a point, a crossroad, and a border where all within us cannot withstand the swiftly emerging current of woes that lies ahead. We are more than overwhelmed!

A casual philosophy of “rise up and be strong” may not cut it as we ponder the ways of our feet and wonder if anyone could really understand what we are going through and where we are in our life’s journey.

We will not always be brave.

And I mean you…you will not always master yourself!

You get tripped off in life every so often…

Even when you have no one offering a guideline, you find yourself doing the very last thing you can ever think about. First, you sit…you are tired of standing and having a false feeling of security and superiority over all life’s issues. You appraise your ego in that reclining mood and scrutinize the extent of its damage.

Then, you bend…you just know you owe no man apologies for succumbing to this long-detained motion that has boycotted every element of reason in your relativistic mind-set. You realise that this motion is ‘life flowing towards a higher reality’.

…bending in order to surpass the inertia of vanity and breaking through to God.

When you see Him, your motion suddenly ends in kneeling…at this point all your reasons are effectively disabled as your intuition knows that you have entered into a spiritual pilgrimage and that you are not the lord of that realm…you willingly ascribe all your rights to Him whose love you can’t explain and whose power you can’t resist.

All the depths of your being are strangely awakened as well as heightened to a Monarch you never knew existed or possibly have a faint idea of. Reason did a good job to blind you but now your spirit is revived and faith is arisen.

Is it not strange that you are free when you are on your knees?




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