It\’s time to move forward

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When is it okay to set aside ways of thinking that are stopping you from taking root in the essence of whom you are made to BE and to grow upwards without apologies?

Is what you are doing today the REAL dream for your life?

If not, do you have a transition plan to maximize your current experience and profession, as you work out the Original Intention for your life?

When Moses cried to God about the red sea, the LORD asked in return why he was crying to Him. Why are you crying about your red sea? And by the way, a red sea is a state/condition of unprecedented limitations and a climactic dead end. It is when the arrested progress is at its peak. 

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Exodus 14:15-16 KJV

And the Lord said unto Moses, Wherefore criest thou unto me? speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward: [16] But lift thou up thy rod, and stretch out thine hand over the sea, and divide it: and the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst of the sea.

✍️ Take note that even in your seemingly insurmountable challenges, the ONLY thing to do is GO FORWARD ⏩. But for your MOVEMENT to become GROWTH and PROGRESS, you need to lift the rod over the whole scene of your life\’s issues and divide it.

Regain your autonomy over your life. Stop being tossed here and there by everyone. Raise the standard of your thinking. Become aware of whom you truly are. Until you BECOME a certain type of person, you cannot DO the things you dream of. Raise the rod. 

Join me on the quest of accelerated growth as we MOVE FORWARD. Go to to register for the PGA Course. 

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