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How to work out my salvation

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You need to understand salvation according to Scripture’s divine blueprint as an authentic eternal reality. Often, some of us find ourselves reading into the Bible rather than reading the bible. We ought to compare scriptures with scriptures to understand the actual mind of God. Salvation is not a human invention, therefore it cannot be defined by anyone or group better than the Scriptures themselves.

In this blog, I will briefly explain what I have learned from the Scriptures concerning the practicalities (or practical realities) of salvation.

Source: crosswalk

I made a video on this on YouTube and you can watch it here: Ep. 4: How to work out my salvation? Part 1

Now, Salvation has three stages:

  1. Past
  2. Present
  3. Future

These three stages also have three tenses:

  1. \”you have been saved\”
  2. \”you are being saved\”
  3. \”you will be saved\”

These three tenses also have three demonstrations:

  1. Salvation
  2. Sanctification
  3. Glorification
Source: crosswalk

Now, let\’s see what salvation demonstrates in our lives:

  1. Salvation: demonstrates a new position, a permanent conversion, and regeneration. (Eph. 2:8-10)
  2. Sanctification: demonstrates a process, your ongoing responsibility and immersion. (Heb 10:38-39)
  3. Glorification: demonstrates a destination, a goal/target and a rewarding hope. (Rom 5:9-10)

It is important to keep all three stages of salvation in tension. You cannot hold on to the position while ignoring the education of that position. And what makes the education engaging for us is the hope of eternal life, which is the anticipation and expectation of ending well in time to continue with the LORD for all eternity. Working out your salvation requires understanding the nature of your salvation and knowing your responsibility as a partner with God to fulfil the ordination of your salvation.

\”Wherefore, my beloved…work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.\” Philippians 2:12-13 KJV

This scripture clearly shows us the partnership inherent in our salvation. It is first and foremost God\’s work, done and completed before the foundation of the world. It is actualized in time through Jesus Christ\’s life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension. That\’s why your responsibility is predicated on what God has done, hence the use of the causal conjunction \”for\”.

Click to listen on Spotify.

Yet, since God\’s part is fulfilled and cannot be revoked, your part must now be emphasized. WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION … NOT ANOTHER\’S! And to show the seriousness of the matter, it says, \”…WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING.\” This is because of the possibility of losing out or falling away from so great a salvation IN SPITE OF THE CERTAINTY AND ETERNITY OF WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE.

May the LORD show us mercy and stir our hearts to commit to this finished work in our sanctification, looking forward to glorification. AMEN.

Featured image: Pinterest

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