Gifted & Called

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Everybody is born with a divine deposit. There is something inside you that you are not responsible for, that is, you don\’t know how it got there. This thing is not a single ability but multiple abilities forged into a collective capacity to produce, to serve, to create, to improve, to solve problems and to make a change. 

There is no question about it. You have something in you with which you can make a difference. This is often described as a gift you came into the world with, out of which you can give yourself (services & products) to advance the state of things or the conditions of men. But why is everyone not making a difference? I\’m glad you asked…


For giftedness, which is potential, to translate to products and services, that can sustainably solve/alleviate human problems, it must be called forth. This is assuming that you have submitted to the process of continuous growth that refines your giftedness. 

You must have heard people use the terminology, \”calling\”, especially among religious and professional folks. They use it to establish and justify the enormous commitment of their lives and energy into a particular domain of human endeavour. Yes, a calling is an awareness or sense of responsibility invoked from within towards a particular area of human need. It is from within that you can receive divine stimulation and mobilization for your life\’s calling.

Calling is a divine administration that makes you responsible for specific areas of human challenges. To be called, therefore, is an inner mobilization of your giftedness towards a particular end. This is the only way to be introduced into the mainstream of your life\’s purpose without struggling to open doors by yourself.

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