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Find rest for your soul

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The greatest craving of man is freedom but as you already know, freedom comes with a price, which is responsibility. When you are not free, others determine the use of your time. We all experience this during a lot of our childhood, in some cases for the better. In adolescence, the young person strives for autonomy and desperately seeks freedom. Unknown to the youngster is the burden of freedom. A well-developed mind, capacity for self-efficacy, goal orientation and openness to receive guidance from established minds/achievers are required to navigate the journey of life to actualization.

The state of rest is the psychological result of inner congruence. When you have a set of convictions, all directed towards a higher purpose, you minimize confusion and sustain the resilience necessary for life\’s work and challenges. Rest is neither the absence of problems nor worry; rest is evidence that you have found the good Way and are walking in it. As human beings, we always have many things going inside us and are working things out.

source: Fast Company

You can have all things worked out externally, have all you could possibly need and still struggle with the internal details of your life. By now, you should have seen that the idea that if you simply do more, achieve more, buy more, and get more, you will make sense of things is an illusion. Rest is on a higher vibration than all of these. Rest is only a quantifiable value in your inward parts – your soul. This reflects the fact that the hidden part (your spirit) has caught reality. Your body quantifies (or values) responsibility.

To be a wholesome individual who can elevate others into the same experience, you must understand the peculiarities of your spirit, soul, and body. Life or reality is the language of the spirit. This is God\’s life we receive through Jesus Christ. Once this new life flows into you, it manifests itself through love – knowing that you are loved by God and having the capacity to express God\’s kind of love. The essence of love is belongingness. You will be surprised that the most difficult pathology may just be a festering wound of rejection (not belonging or not knowing where you belong).

\”Beloved, now we are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.\”

1 John 3:2 KJV

Light is the language of the soul. The soul is the seat of intellect, emotion, imagination, reason, volition and memory. These organs of the soul are tools for the achievement of purpose. Just like any device today, the user determines the way it is used and the purpose for which it is used. When your spirit is alive, it becomes \”…the candle of the LORD, searching all the inward parts…\” (Proverbs 20:27). Your spirit is the navigator, director and leader, while your soul is the implementer and manager. You have no problem with resources. What you need is direction (how to use your intellect, emotion, imagination, reason, volition and memory).

source: Dr Tague (slightly edited)

Your body is the material part of you. Your spirit and soul are not material but expressed through your body. More appropriately, your spirit manifests itself through your soul and your soul expresses itself through your body. Labour is the language of your body. Implementation is shared between the soul and the body. Therefore, your body is the implementer, servant and waiter of your life. It can only do what has preoccupied your soul. If you have found rest for your soul, it means your body can function properly.

\”Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.\”

Jeremiah 6:16 KJV

This response is characteristic of those who have upturned the order of their being. This is the body dictating to the soul and the soul terrorizing the spirit. If you refuse the LORD\’s offer to save you so that your spirit is restored to eternal life and your soul is illuminated by light from your spirit, it means your soul has wrested leadership from your spirit and destruction is looming.

source: lovingalways

Do you have rest? If not, you are restless and it will only get worse if you don\’t ask for the old paths to encounter reality in your spirit. In this good way, you will find rest in your soul. When you have this rest, you will know your God-given responsibility in life.

LORD, I thank You for Your mercy. I open up my spirit to receive reality (life) that will make me one with you. I will walk in the good way of Jesus and I will find rest for my soul. And by Your goodness, I will discover Your responsibility for my life and live true to it. Thank you, Father. In Jesus\’ name. AMEN.

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