Converting your gifts to a \”call\”

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Everyone is gifted but a gift does not immediately translate to a calling. It takes a process of growth and refining to convert your potential into commercial skills that can position you for influence. This is the first capital given to everyone to trade with before there can be financial rewards.

There are three dimensions of growth for anyone to engage to be mobilized (called) into their life\’s purpose: Vertical, central and horizontal.

Vertical growth is the growth of your spirit.This is the first and most important growth we should experience in life. This is your spirit becoming united with the Holy Spirit. This oneness activates the Original Intention of God for your life. Your life, at this level, becomes a spiritual force, going about doing good just as Christ did on the earth.

Central growth is the growth of your personality.This is where you translate spiritual realities about your life into physical, communicable advantages. The genuineness of spiritual experience is tested and verified in your personality. This is called \”central\” because your personality is a convergence of realities such as character, competence, charisma, and communication. A total person has the character, competence, charisma and communication necessary to brand you as an irresistible solution & service provider to your generation.

Horizontal growth is the growth or multiplication of your products and services.Fruitfulness is the first aspect of mastery but there are yet 4 phases to fully unleash your potential. These 4 phases are multiplication, replenishing, subjugation and dominion. The multiplication phase leads to the remaining three that rides on your capacity to relate with others. People are the best advertisement for your products and services. They are your unpaid evangelists for your present and future possibilities.

The mobilization of your gifts into a calling depends on these three legs of vertical, central and horizontal growth. Starting Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 12noon CAT is a Life Mastery Series called Focused Actualization Coaching & Training (FACT). Register to participate in this free session @

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