Olamide Opeyemi

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Self-execution is about living in a state of organic liveliness. It is your life flowing with consistency in character and competence to deliver its contribution to your generation. The three steps we have identified towards life mastery are identification, construction and execution. Let\’s look at the pathway to expressing or executing the constructed self. The […]

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How to work out my salvation

You need to understand salvation according to Scripture’s divine blueprint as an authentic eternal reality. Often, some of us find ourselves reading into the Bible rather than reading the bible. We ought to compare scriptures with scriptures to understand the actual mind of God. Salvation is not a human invention, therefore it cannot be defined by anyone or group better than the Scriptures themselves.

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Secrets of Life Mastery

In working with people through coaching and counselling, I have noticed a trend of disillusionment that ranges from outright cognitive distortion to confusing episodes in their lives they find difficult to resolve and thereby left in some cases to fester into pathology or almost. Man is a three-dimensional being. You are spirit, soul and body. It is imperative to understand how these three dimensions work to be a fully functional human being.

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Find rest for your soul

The greatest craving of man is freedom but as you already know, freedom comes with a price, which is responsibility. When you are not free, others determine the use of your time. We all experience this during a lot of our childhood, in some cases for the better. In adolescence, the young person strives for autonomy and desperately seeks freedom. Unknown to the youngster is the burden of freedom. A well-developed mind, capacity for self-efficacy, goal orientation and openness to receive guidance from established minds/achievers are required to navigate the journey of life to actualization.

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I choose The Way Of The LORD

There is no other way to live a truly fulfilling life without aligning with God 100%. In fact, your degree of experience is always commensurate with your knowledge – knowing HIM whom you have believed, knowing ALL He has done for you (positional salvation), knowing HIS demands on all disciples (which will never be relaxed for you) and knowing your place in the body of Christ.

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The Gospel of Self or Gospel of Christ

There is a compelling thread running through John 15 that we’ve read over the past few weeks. “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.\” John 15:1 KJV. In this edition, I’m trusting the LORD to help us see so that we can say “IT IS NOT ABOUT ME; IT IS ALL ABOUT HIM.” We must be careful not to change Scripture’s basis. The Word of God or God Himself is not a means to an end of your choice. The Word of God is the means by which we are restored to God’s Original Intention for mankind.

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