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Life consists of managing your internal dialogues. You are almost never completely silent. The beehive of thoughts, ideas, concerns, aspirations etc produce a constant stream of unconscious activities in your mind. Your conversations are either interruptions or elaborations of those internal dialogues.

Have you ever paused to observe your internal dialogues? Well, yes I know…it is easier to read others than to read ourselves. I guess this may settle that self-righteousness for you: while you may be right about what you see about others, the responsibility for change remains with them. That\’s not to mention many times you have been wrong in your assessment of others.


So, let\’s come back home. You…that\’s right or may be say \”me\” to make it really direct. What are you thinking about now? In what ways is this serving you? How is this taking you closer to your desired expectation? Do you even know what you are moving towards? Is it something that moves you forward? Or let me drop this as a whisper: is it something that keeps you stuck or draw you back? Could that be serving you in some way?

To begin your journey to a more authentic life, I will like you to consider collapsing your contradictions so that you can live from inside out. Living like this will make you follow the purpose that heaven has indited/hidden in your heart and you will be found trustworthy by those who truly know you.

#authenticity #purpose #trust #trustworthiness #perception

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