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Assignment is seasonal. A wise man has said, \”life is in phases and men are in sizes\”. Each phase of life has an assignment or series of assignments attached to it. These assignments are milestones for you to gauge your personal growth and to dimension your contribution to your world. Your emergence into global influence is preceded by strings or catalogues of assignments you have successfully executed in each phase of your life.

How have you navigated your life in your personal crises? How about your knowledge and wisdom quest? What has been your experience in your various relationships? These are the real substance that gets packaged into whatever we become in life as Doctors, Politicians, Lawyers, Managers, Artists, Accountants, Flight attendants, Pilots etc. How you have handled these assignments will determine your readiness or qualification to ascend into higher planes in your life\’s calling. The higher plane of your calling, you give of yourself, not just of your expertise.

In the context of the 7 Core Concepts of Life, assignments are the building blocks of your calling. Your calling is an ever increasing 4 Dimensional reality that you can never really exhaust in this side of eternity. King David of Israel will still be the King of Israel in eternity. How did I know that? His throne was made eternal because he faithfully fulfilled his calling as King to God\’s people. In the same way, your purpose is not just for time, it is for eternity. And the calling of your purpose is for you to grow to the peak of your potential so that you can enter into the joy of your LORD in that version of greatness.

Your assignment today is consistent with your level of acceptance of your purpose, potential, vision and mission. As you grow in your ability to steward your vision, an aspect of your calling is opened up to you to function. Therefore, you are always a functionary at the level of your commitment to your calling and wherever that is, it is a preview of what is to come.

Everybody wants to go straight to the pinnacle of their calling but two things you must know about your calling is that: (1) It is not static – rather it is organic and evolving. (2) It is specific hence it narrows your aspirations, focus, intelligence and capacities into ONE thing that utilizes your potential and maximizes your purpose.

Assignments are the subsets of your calling without which you can arrive at the pinnacle or fullness of what you are called to BE, DO and HAVE. If you are faithful in today\’s assignment, you are guaranteed elevation into the next level of your calling. Hence, assignment is what you are doing now that is incrementally moving you towards the fullness of your destiny.

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