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I choose The Way Of The LORD

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There is no other way to live a truly fulfilling life without aligning with God 100%. In fact, your degree of experience is always commensurate with your knowledge – knowing HIM whom you have believed, knowing ALL He has done for you (positional salvation), knowing HIS demands on all disciples (which will never be relaxed for you) and knowing your place in the body of Christ.

We will complete our discussion from the last post here, by God\’s Grace. However, I want you to see first, that KNOWING is critical to the progressive, successful experience of the New Creation Reality in God\’s economy. Your Christian experience so far is always a result of what you know. Aside from the fact that God has called various individuals into leadership roles in the body of Christ, what primarily determines who can lead others into an increase of Christ in their lives is knowledge. Now, the big question is WHAT DO YOU KNOW?

  • Do you know that Jesus did not die for Himself and that because He died, you also died? 2 Corinthians 5:15
  • Do you know that you are not to TRY to live the Christian life, you are to accept God\’s fact as yours – I AM DEAD? Romans 6:5-7, 11
  • Do you know that the law is good and holy, but it cannot make you righteous? Romans 7:12, 16
  • Do you know that in the New Covenant (because Jesus died, resurrected and ascended) the law that was always alien to us, due to being outside us, is now written inside our hearts as truth? John 1:14
  • Do you know that ONLY Jesus can live above sin and above the law (this means \”cannot be caught as an offender because He does not sin\”)? Hebrews 4:15
  • Do you know that you will progressively experience this victory of Jesus IF you allow Him to be the One to live in you? Romans 8:1-10
  • Do you know that IF you insist on being yourself, you will continue to struggle in the Christian life? Romans 8:13a

It is clear that what you know determines your reality, not necessarily the will of God. This is why we are looking at the perfect law of liberty to be transformed into the EXACT image of the Christ we see inside IT. Let\’s look at some scriptures:

source: stevens creek church


\”Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.\”

John 8:31-32 KJV

The major tool of transformation is the WORD of God. Anywhere you stop obeying, you stop growing.

The truth you come to KNOW in the WORD of God is the TRUTH that can MAKE you free. The word \”make\” there, is the operative word for us. You are not free from the various control systems of this world, if you don\’t KNOW the TRUTH that MAKES you FREE to experience ALL that Jesus laboured to OFFER you. Your attachment to anything in this world is a well-calculated work/plan of satan to MAKE you a permanent loser in the Christian life. 


\”Jesus saith unto him, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.\”

John 14:6 KJV (emphasis mine)

Sometimes you know the Bible but you don\’t know the TRUTH that sets you FREE. Now, take note of this sequence:


To know the TRUTH it takes to enter a glorious walk with God, you must come through ONE WAY. When Jesus said \”I am the Way…\”, it means HIS LIFE, DEATH, BURIAL, RESURRECTION & ASCENSION is the template for anyone who will be truly saved and victorious in the New Life. THE LIFE HE LIVED IS THE LIFE TO LIVE. His death was as your substitute. His burial was to enforce the irreversibility of your deliverance from sin. His resurrection is what makes it possible for Him to live in you just as He lived before. And then, His ascension gives you the power to reproduce what He has achieved in you in others through service.

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This Way is the Way of the Cross. We might discuss this in detail later. The WAY that yields the kind of KNOWING (TRUTH) that brings real deliverance from sin, satan, self and the world system is this way – the WAY of the Cross. If you are on another way, you will not touch reality even though you may have doctrine – as there is no end to teachings today. As you walk on this way, you will progressively KNOW the TRUTH that will produce the LIFE of Jesus in your mortal body. This is regardless of your background, status, race or credentials.

LIFE is the third point on the GRACE continuum. This continuum is an ever-rising spiral that you will experience throughout your life. The more you touch life, the more you begin again on the WAY, so to say; and by the time you get to LIFE, you have a greater measure of TRUTH at work in your life. This is spiritual growth. In the absence of LIFE, you cannot demonstrate the TRUTH of the Bible to anyone.


There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

Romans 8:1-3 KJV

In the Way of Christ, which is the Way of the Cross, there is a law at work in those who have passed through the cross (accepted Christ\’s death on their behalf and by so doing renounced their lives). This is the law of Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. It is this law that suspends the law of sin and death in all those who stay on the WAY of the Cross. I use the word \”suspended\” because IF you ever step away from THIS WAY OF THE CROSS, the law of sin and death will resume operation. This is why believers easily commit sins. They are not on that unattractive way of the cross. Their lives, in a sense, change the IF in 1 John 2:1 into WHEN as if we should all prepare to sin from time to time.

The law is no man\’s mate. This is why no one can ever fulfil all the law without overlooking some part of it. Yet, Jesus fulfilled it all so that through Him you can live correctly without the struggles of Romans 7 (It will be helpful for you to read it to understand this). IF you are IN Christ, THERE is A WAY to WALK. The WAY of the Cross is walking \”…not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.\” In the same way gravity is suspended by the law of lift when you are airborne, the law of sin and death (that makes sin attractive) is suspended as long as you remain IN the ASCENDED CHRIST. There is no other way to handle sin except to impose stringent rules on yourself that may work briefly only to strengthen and provoke the \”creativity\” of the life of sin in you.

source: IE Church of Christ Mobile


\”For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.\” KJV

\”For we are God\’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.\” NLT

Ephesians 2:10

All the possibilities available for you in the ASCENSION of Christ can only become a reality if you go through the process of 100% alignment with Him. NOTE: This process NEVER ends here. It CONTINUES until we see HIM who saved us.

  • DEATH: Reckon (count, think of, consider, account) yourself dead to sin and alive to Christ.
  • BURIAL: Don\’t leave the dead old man exposed – restitute, break all ties with sin and worldliness and get baptized.
  • RESURRECTION: This is the positive side of the New Creation Experience. Allow Christ to live through you henceforth.
  • ASCENSION: Walk in the direction He shows you to experience the fullness of LIFE and POWER for service.
  • LIFE: The life of Jesus is only possible to those who have passed through the first four.

\”Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old PATHS, where is the good WAY, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, WE WILL NOT WALK THEREIN.\”

Jeremiah 6:16 KJV (emphasis mine)

Few people ever become masterpieces because most believers refuse the WAY of complete deliverance and victory. The WAY is narrow and least patronized as Jesus said in Matthew 7:14. But the FEW WHO FIND IT AND STAY ON IT ARE THE ONES WHO FIND REST FOR THEIR SOULS (Matthew 11:28-30). They will become masterpieces. Will you join me in committing to THIS WAY?

LORD Jesus, here am I. The way of the world is attractive, and broad and allows for every belief and preference as long as I don\’t follow Jesus. I have been this way and now I see that it\’s WIDENESS and SPACIOUSNESS is to ensure that I NEVER become what YOU planned for me, and end in hell. LORD Jesus, I call unto You. Please save me. I put my hands in your hand, Oh LORD. I CHOOSE THE WAY OF THE LORD. I want to align with You in every way. Thank you, Father. In Jesus\’ name.

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