Life is bearable when there is an end goal in view. We can divide our lives into necessities and priorities. We all know what is necessary for us to survive and depending on your position in the spectrum of human achievement, survival can become your only achievement. Physical sustenance through food, water, shelter and social maintenance through family, friends, and coworkers are necessities we can\’t avoid.
Even so, living only to satisfy necessities will keep you committed to other people\’s agendas while making a living for yourself. You won\’t engage the executive centre of your brain until you raise your awareness from the state of survival to \”thrival\”. When the prefrontal cortex (the CEO part of your brain) is activated, you begin to answer the real questions in life.
This is when you begin to sort out what truly matters to you. You also begin to see the link between an honest, consistent vocation and \”rewardable\” competence. Hence, your priorities start to emerge. A commitment to concentrated priorities will awaken your true genius, which is your destiny on display. Necessities are common to all people but priorities are common to those who take their destiny seriously. In the process, they manifest their personal, family, national, and eternal destinies.