Resolving life\’s issues

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It\’s a New Day.
You don\’t have to remain miserable.
Resolve the issues piling up in your spirit.
How far can you go with these loads on your heart while trying to look good for everyone to see? You know your struggles… your closest buddies have no clue about it. What can they do since they don\’t know any better?


How then will you find relief? Listen. Stop being superficial about things. How far has it gotten you? To deal with the root cause, you need to REPENT. Yes, Repent. \”It doesn\’t work, I\’ve tried this a lot of times\”. \”Sometimes I feel better for a while and then the whole episode resumes.\”

Can I gently tell you to listen to me, for I know what I\’m talking about? To repent is not to feel sorry and say to God, \”I am sorry\”. To repent is first a revelation before a confession and then conversion. If you only confess your sin, you will still be back in it OR at least the devil will keep tormenting you with accusations, which makes things worse. And you become hopeless, depressed and oppressed.

What produces a repentance that cannot be reversed (repented of)… repentance that is permanent is a revelation of the pain your sin causes God and the damage it does to His purposes on the earth. This is what produces the godly sorrow that leads to repentance, that cannot be repented of or reversed by any counter temptation to double-cross you.

Try this and let me know what happens. Don\’t just go and say I\’m sorry. Wait before the LORD and tell Him to please show you the pain your sin causes Him and the damages His purposes incur as a result. Wait. It will come on you. This is why King David is a weeping man. I can tell you that once you tarry before the LORD to be dealt with in this manner, you will arise with convictions that can no longer be thwarted by any dimension of temptation (especially related to that sin).

Where you have this revelation, then confession becomes efficacious. Why? Confession is the legal aspect of your repentance. Revelation is the emotional – psychological – spiritual aspect of repentance. It reconfigures your inner constitution, disposition and attraction to the sin. Confession makes this new configuration legal. And the verdict comes upon it right away from the Most High, the Righteous Judge. This acquittal finalizes the process into a conversion. Conversion means you are no longer in an emotional, psychological and spiritual state that can be swayed or deceived anymore even though you are always \”temptable\” (can be tempted).

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