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Isn\’t a calling another term for \”mission\”? A calling is not particularly a stand-alone concept as I have discussed in the last four concepts. Calling is the foursquare of purpose, potential, vision and mission. When people say they are called into a specific vocation, industry or ministry, what they usually mean is they have a strong conviction to be in an area of service. And that calling is a mobilization to quit whatever they are doing to enter into this new field.

The fact that life is a process upgrades our understanding of our calling. A calling is not just discovering where you belong in life, it is turning the ship of your life 180 degrees towards that destination. Now, that takes a process. Calling is a present continuous word. It is the ongoing impact of purpose, potential, vision and mission in your life. In other words, it is when your gifts (potential) find the problems they are designed to solve.

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What you are called to do is discovered at the point where your vision intercepts the human condition. This is where our uniqueness shines forth such that even if we have similar assignments, our peculiar experiences make us stand out by carving a niche that draws from the depth of our being. The turning of your life towards the right destination must be done strategically by following the following pattern: Decision, Convictions, Behaviours and Attitudes.

It is D-C-B-A because you are on a restorative, recovery journey.

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