What myth are you living?

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Whatever your life is producing today is based on an idea. Now, forget about the status of the idea… whether it is true or false… As long as you can make it central to your life, you will live to produce results consistent with that idea. Now, that is the myth.

Your myth is the unconscious meaning you are living up to. Your myth is the script that is dictating your role in life. Your myth is the perception of \”you\” that the closest people to you are feeding on, mostly unconsciously. Your myth is the role you have played long enough until you began to define yourself by it. For some, it is the lie they are telling themselves until it became their lives (the \”truth\” that everyone sees).

Anytime you attempt to grow out of a self-limiting myth, you will instantly attract the disapproval of those who thrive on you being the way you are. Approval is emotional permission to grow at other people\’s pace. Approval can be a good thing when the approving agents in our lives are constantly growing and evolving. But we know this is not the case with most people.


To help you identify the issues creating the myth in your life, I have a set of questions designed to locate the unspoken beliefs that are reinforcing the current myth in your life. There are three categories of \”myth-er\” (sounds like meter). They are you, others and enlightened you. The difference between you and enlightened you: one is your simple self while the other is your sage self. The 20 questions all work together to excavate the myth you are unconsciously living. If you want to break through your limitations, you can take a few minutes to write your answers to these questions. Please find the \”you myth-er\” below.

\”You Myth-er\”
* Do you need someone\’s permission to be what you were born to be?
* Do you constantly think of what people will think of a decision you are considering?
* Do you always give an explanation to justify your progress?
* Do you feel bad to outgrow your present company or friends?
* Do you find a way to minimize yourself to relate to someone or to fit into a group?
* Do you have different personas for different scenarios?

What is next? Be intentional. You can change the trajectory of your life by taking action on your discoveries. Remember a true sage is not just aware; a true sage is awakened to live according to the insights of his awareness. To make the process more effective, you may send a request to be coached on Instagram at @livingtemplates or send me an email: livingtemplates@gmail.com

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