The activity of the adversary through sin, self and the world system

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In continuation of the series on the gravity of salvation. To start from the beginning please click:

Whether you believe it or not, there is a cosmic warfare that predates the existence of man; and you are implicated in that struggle. While it is good to focus on what God has done, it is noteworthy that God did not hide any valid information we need to prosecute a victorious Christian life.

2 Peter 1:3 says we have been given all things that pertain to life and godliness; and that includes the knowledge of a restless adversary that is \”…a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour\” (1 Peter 5:8).

What we saw in the garden of Eden in Genesis 3 is enough to establish the eternal indignation of the devil against mankind. Genesis 2 shows us man in his innocent state, empowered by a divine mandate to be in charge of the earth. This became possible because the man was made in the image and likeness of God. The man became a target for the adversary, who had lost his place in heaven, and will not relent until he makes him (mankind) as unfortunate as himself.

Hence, the fall of the first man in Genesis 3 became universal to all that were born of Adam and the consequence (of death) and experience (of sin) was instant in the soul as the body gradually adjusted to the realities of the new regime of death. When God came to man\’s aid, he was trading blames instead of repenting; and the plan of God for restoration became resolved into a prophecy. 

\”And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.\” Genesis 3:15

This is what God said to the serpent, that is, satan or the adversary. The seed of the woman is to bruise his head yet the serpent will still be able to bruise his heel. What does that mean? That demarcates the two kinds of people that will be in the world after the work of Calvary has been accomplished. We will have the overcomers and the captives.

The serpent is not removed from the scene but his effect or power is destroyed for those who have come to the cross and continues to appropriate their victory at the cross through the death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ. 

But for those who ignore and despise the cross, even if they are in the church, they will remain under constant subjugation and harassment of the devil, and they can have no way of escape until they come to the place (ground) of victory – the cross of Christ. Therefore, the experience of salvation is a practical appreciation and appropriation of the victory of Christ on the cross to deal with the encroachment and temptations of the devil who seeks to devour you. 

Although your salvation is intended to be eternal (permanent), it will fail if you do not work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). This is a deliberate, continuous response to the demands of your salvation \”Looking diligently lest any man (you) fail of the grace of God…\” {Hebrews 12:15 emphasis mine}.

It is not the grace of God that fails just like it is not salvation that is temporary; but it is a man (a person under his choices in life) who fails of the grace of God and renders his salvation impotent.

  • To be continued 

If you have not been to the cross for deliverance from sin, you can pray with me now:

Thank you, LORD, for your eternal plan for me and for the complete work you have done on the cross to deliver me totally from sin, self and the world system. I acknowledge, confess and repent of my sins (take time to confess them one by one and renounce them).

Please cleanse me from all my unrighteousness and wash me with your blood. I renounce the life of sin I was born with and I accept the New Life of righteousness in Christ Jesus. I believe my salvation is eternal and I will follow Jesus to make my calling and election sure. In Jesus\’ name, I pray. AMEN.

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