The Gravity of Salvation

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\”For this reason [that is, because of God’s final revelation in His Son Jesus and because of Jesus’ superiority to the angels] we must pay much closer attention than ever to the things that we have heard, so that we do not [in any way] drift away from truth. For if the message given through angels [the Law given to Moses] was authentic and unalterable, and every violation and disobedient act received an appropriate penalty, how will we escape [the penalty] if we ignore such a great salvation [the gospel, the new covenant]? For it was spoken at first by the Lord, and it was confirmed to us and proved authentic by those who personally heard [Him speak],\” Hebrews 2:1‭-‬3 AMP

The scripture above flows from Hebrews chapter one where the deity of the LORD Jesus was established. (NOTE: You can take time to read the entire chapter 1 of Hebrews in various versions to enjoy this revelation). Now, based on the revelation of God through His Son Jesus, we are admonished to pay a closer attention to the Word of God so that we don\’t drift away from the truth. 

Those who ignored the Word of God in the old covenant did not escape the consequence; how then will we escape if we refuse to realize the greatness of our salvation in this new covenant? Not realizing how great our salvation is, is either a proof that you have drifted away or it will be the reason for drifting away. Please pause and think calmly on that. 

The Word of God says, \”My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…\” (Hosea 4:6). This is the appropriate verdict to the misunderstanding, misappropriation and abuse of the grace of God in our time. There is a movement that is quietly infiltrating the body of Christ and is systematically recruiting a host of young people in several denominations into a belief system that frustrates the grace of God, to say the least. 

Starting today, I will be sharing from time to time on the subject of eternal security. This series of discussions will attempt, under God, to provide clarity to the immense economy of our salvation. It does not attempt to prematurely dismiss every claim of this group but it will briefly yet clearly establish the mind of God concerning our salvation, both in its objective and subjective components. 

Now, before you take sides on any issue, you have to make sure you have studied to show yourself approved unto God (2 Tim 2:15). This does not only imply intellectual understanding of scriptures but an experiential evidence that the Word of God has prospered in your life. This is where/when the objective Word of God becomes the subjective reality of your life. 

Hence, what you will be interacting with is not mere \’letters\” but \”spirit\”. If you don\’t mind, please take time again to read Hebrews 2:1-3, quoted in the Amplified Version above. You will see that at these last days, the message God is speaking is through His Son. That means the endgame of every Word that proceeds from God to me is to reveal Jesus in me. Forget about arguments on doctrines. What is the message beaming out from your life? If Christ is not seen in you, in spite of your fine grasp of scripture, you are in danger of being an antichrist, to put it mildly. 

This is the principal lack of knowledge that destroys – the Word not being made flesh in your life, even though it is known theologically. So, let me restate it: The Word of God must work in you before it can work through you in other people\’s life. Half-truths and errors are easily created when there is no clear path for the Word of God to walk in your life, in order to work out the righteousness of God.

Please trust the LORD with me that you, as well as many others looking for answers, might lay hold on the whole counsel of God and receive clarity about this basic yet critical foundation for a permanent walk with God. 

#salvation #osas #eternalsecurity #faith #grace

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