Longing for more…

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\”Seek the LORD, and his strength: seek his face evermore.\” Psalm 105:4

What pursuit can be higher than that?

If you have sought the Highest \”thing\”, how will you not be able to get every other thing (no matter how high they seem before the world)?
My soul\’s configuration is to seek the Highest. To not seek Him is to wound it and make it a slave to every other thing I may seek.

Seek His strength, not my strength.

My strength at its best, what can it do? It certainly can do some things.
But what is that compared to what His strength can accomplish? Seek His strength because the days are not only evil but jet-like, replaced each morning in rapid succession. Only divine strength can make me thrive in a world always in a rush. With my strength I may cope, but with His strength, I will thrive.

What a wonder to behold His face!

Trust me there is nothing in all the world that can compare to this rare privilege to behold the LORD. Nothing! This is what it means live, to be alive. The light of His face arms me for all that the day brings. This light can handle anything. It can strengthen in adversity and it can sustain in prosperity. Oh, how I need this light much more than the dawn of each morning.

\”Why spend your money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in rich food.\” Isaiah 55:2 ISV


Picture Credit: troybradfordphotos.com

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